Monday, September 28, 2015

Say NO to HB3546 !

The time has come that I must ask for help from all those who have supported myself, my tigers and the efforts we make to both entertain and educate regarding my tigers' care, husbandry, training and the threats to survival their wild counterparts face. Domestically, we now face our own threat in the form of a bill in Congress, HB 3546, that would take away everything I love and hold dear.

Deceptively named the "Big Cat Public Safety Act," HB 3546 does NOTHING to protect the public from lions, tigers and big cats. Instead, it bans any breeding of these endangered animals except for those kept in an exclusive private membership club, thus limiting genetic diversity for future species survival. An estimated 75% of the captive American tiger gene pool resides outside of that trade organization. Restricting this available genetic resource is not beneficial to the growth and success of the species. 

Although there is a "circus" exemption written in to temporarily allow us to continue to retain ownership of my animals and to travel, my tigers and I would effectively have our days numbered, threatened by an amendment at any time that would eliminate our exemption. The discriminatory language exempts zoos in the aforementioned private trade organization and "sanctuaries” (even though “sanctuaries” are not allowed to breed in order to be accredited.)  All other owners and exhibitors of big cats, including myself, would be prevented from acquiring any new animals. My two younger girls, both named after my grandmothers, and my two boys would all never have had the opportunity to join us, and share their magnificence with tens of thousands of individuals across the country every year. They would be locked in cages at a stagnant location away from those who love and care for them or worse, they might never have been born.

The only "safety" accords included in this deceptively named bill prohibit contact by the public with a big cat. But contact with a tiger by a member of the public is already prohibited by the federal government  unless it is of a certain age or below a maximum weight - normally ending around four months of age or 40 pounds. New York state passed a law in 2014 under the same pretenses, dubbing it the "Tiger Selfie Law." The extremist groups pushing the bill claimed young men were posting photos of themselves with dangerous predators on dating sites.  Even if this were the case, it is already illegal under federal regulations. HB 3546 is being pushed claiming it solves the same non-existent problem.

Most of the discussion in this proposed Congressional bill involves the notion that privately owned big cats are a constant source of "body parts" for the illicit "black market" trade. There is little to zero evidence this is true. Some proponents of the bill claim as many as 20,000 tigers are in the possession of private owners. The true number of TOTAL tigers in America is approximately one fifth of that. The number of wild tigers in their native ranges mirrors that of the American population – making conservation work in the United States a sure-fire way to ensure these amazing animals will never disappear from our planet.

I often remind visitors that everyone exhibiting tigers to the public holds the same license from the federal government to do so - whether a big city zoo that charges an entry fee, a sanctuary that begs for funding via donations, a circus that charges an admission price to see a show, or a private individual like myself. The importance of nomenclature is mute. The care of the animals comes paramount to any political agendas. There are plenty of laws in place to protect captive animals. If existing laws are not being properly enforced, new laws punishing responsible caretakers are not the solution.

There is so much more below the surface of the political agendas that are pushing this bill. If you have other questions, please ask. What I ask of you is to take two minutes to contact your representatives and tell them you oppose HB 3546. The Cavalry Group has set up a very easy system to do so. Please, it takes less than two minutes of your time to make a difference in my life and the survival of an endangered species.  Do not let government regulators and animal rights extremists force their ignorance and agendas on responsible exotic animal owners at the expense of the animals themselves and the species as a whole. Do NOT let them take my tigers away from me. Do NOT let these animals go extinct.

Contact your representative to oppose HB 3546:


Saturday, July 11, 2015

Tiger Selfie Law

We had a lot of people asking for more information this morning on the "tiger selfie" ban here in New York. There were many voiced complaints about not being able to ride elephants here, as well. Remember, it is politicians taking away your rights and freedoms due to the propaganda war fought and funded by animal rights extremist groups. Don't let them tell you how to live your life. Think and decide for yourself.
This photo of 7 year old Zeya and I was illegally taken today in New York - or was it ? Learn the truth about New York's tiger "selfie" ban.

Thursday, July 9, 2015

Growing Up Tiger

They are growing up. The boys turned a year old this week. They are in the process of losing their baby teeth. Last night,before the second show, they were rolling around on the grass and Diego knocked loose one of Zeus' top canines. We tried to help it come out but it wasn't quite ready. All it took was some bone-in chicken today and it's gone ! The adult tooth has already appeared and will grow in quicker now with the extra space available.

Wednesday, July 8, 2015

Thank you !

I am overwhelmed by the positive response we have had following our premiere on CBS' "Zoo" last night. Thank you everyone for all the positive comments and the support. My goal in taking this endeavor was to help the tigers. Anyone who knows me knows that they come first. There are a lot of benefits for them that have come from this experience, both from the money raised for filming and the publicity that has been garnered by their feature. Thanks again to everyone !

Tuesday, July 7, 2015

"Zoo" on CBS

Late in the winter, we were contacted by CBS looking for a circus tiger act for the filming of a TV show called "Zoo" about animals going crazy all over the world. This obviously did not sound conducive to portraying a positive image of my animals and their lives but after further discussion with the producers and directors, it seemed like a great opportunity to participate. In late February, the film crew flew out from New Orleans for a days filming of the sequence of events on site concerning the tigers and the circus big top. It was a great experience and very interesting to see the process of making a television show. The directors were all very sensitive to the needs of the animals and the requirements for safety. I can't wait to see how it all comes together tonight !

Sunday, July 5, 2015

FAQ - Tiger Origins

CWe are often asked where the tigers come from before they join our group. All the cats are 100% red, white and blue blooded Americans. With the passage of the Endangered Species Act in the 1970s, tigers and other threatened species are not rarely, if ever, captured from the wild for import. The individuals in our group range in birth from Florida to Wisconsin. They all found a good home here from other good homes. None were "rescues," a word used often by "sanctuaries" to help bring in donations. Always remember, an animal doesn't have to have a bad past to have a good present.

Thursday, July 2, 2015

From the Wild

Good news for Indian tigers - India's seventh largest state of Karnataka is home to 400 tigers - 25% of those in the country, though it only consists of less than 6% of India's landmass. A new cost-effective means of expanding the protected areas for wild tigers has increased those ranges by 927 square miles. Keep in mind these numbers, though - the state makes up less than 6% of India's landmass and, with the expansions, less than 6% of the state is protected reserve for wild tigers, yet the state is home to the largest population of tigers in India, fighting for room against a population of 61 million people.

Tuesday, June 30, 2015


We enjoyed a no-show day yesterday in Acushnet, Mass., where we will be performing for the next three days. While the tigers relaxed, we worked at making a few upgrades on the show pedestals. New diamond plate seat tops were added and will soon be followed with an LED light underglow. Don't forget the premier of "Zoo" tonight on CBS, but we will not be featured until the second episode next week.

Wednesday, June 10, 2015


Growing up as a child, I spent every school break I could volunteering at zoos and animal parks. A lot of that time was enjoyed in the reptile house of Springfield's Dickerson Park Zoo. I had a standing invitation. My first tasks upon arriving, every day, was always to clean the exhibit glass, sweep and remove any cobwebs. As a kid, it was the worst part of the experience. I wanted to do the cool stuff - feed snakes, clean cages hang out with the tortoises or gators. But the housekeeping chores were always first. Looking back, I am eternally grateful for those lessons. The small tasks are just as important as the big tasks, if not more so. Attention to detail is paramount to part of the larger responsibility at hand.

Mendham, NJ

Pool day in Mendham, New Jersey

Thursday, June 4, 2015

In the News - Olney, Maryland

A nice article from Olney, Maryland. The woman is mentioned who was concerned about how the tigers were housed. I invited this person over to see my animals. As we spoke outside the compound, we watched as the tigers were running around, jumping in and out of their pools, playing together and enjoying their time following the second show. As she walked away, she said in disgust, "This is no life for them." It is dumbfounding how some can see such different perspectives of the same scene.

Tuesday, June 2, 2015

Tired animals on "Zoo"

CBS new summer series "Zoo," premiering June 30. ShowMe Tigers will be featured in the second episode.

"I prefer CGI and not live animals, maybe in the future they can switch...hopefully.  The show looks GREAT.  Sad the animals are so tired they fall asleep during scenes (most recent ZooCBS article)" //Gina T.

Gina, do you realize big cats sleep up to 18 hours a day ? They eat a 100% protein diet - only raw meat. Protein is very hard for enzymes to break down, which requires long periods of rest for the digestive system to process it. In addition, the nutrients have to be absorbed quickly so the by products can be rapidly eliminated. If not, the meat would rot inside them.

There have been many comments about disappointment that real animals were used for filming. My animals were among some of those hired. The film crew, cast and directors were very accommodating to place the needs of my animals first. We had a representative of the American Humane Association on hand to supervise. Look at this from another perspective - instead of feeling sad for the animals who are "tired" ( let's remember what was just discussed about their digestive system ), feel comfortable in the fact that the animals were so relaxed during filming that they slept and enjoyed their time off. There is nothing wrong with working animals if they are taken care of, just like there is nothing wrong with having pets. Just because my boys and girls are bigger than the "average" companion animal doesn't make our relationship and interaction any less special.

Ryan Holder
Tiger trainer
Kelly Miller Circus

Wednesday, May 27, 2015

"Watch This Ex-Circus Lion Feel Grass For The First Time"

There has been a "viral" video going around of a former circus lion that supposedly feels grass for the first time. This may or may not be true. There  has been a lot of debate by professionals that it is most likely false, given the animal's reaction to what is supposed to be a new enclosure, among other factors. Regardless , this is the common type of propaganda spread by animal rights extremist groups to sully the public's opinion regarding the care circus animals receive. Every exhibitor should be judged on their own merits, based on one's own observations. To judge all on the misdeeds of a few is discriminatory, ignorant and wrong. Here's a photo of my animals, which are able to enjoy grass all day, everyday. Many others are as fortunate as well.

Saturday, April 18, 2015

Veterinary Care

Yesterday, Dr. Larry Baker and his team from Northgate Pet Clinic in Decatur, Illinois, came out to the Kelly Miller Circus for some veterinary work with the tigers, including neutering the two nine month old males Zeus and Diego. We invited a group of pre-vet students from Illinois State University to observe the procedures and learn how I incorporate the tigers' training into their daily husbandry and care.

During the procedures, four veterinarians were present as well as an assistant to ensure all went well and smoothly. One veterinarian was responsible solely monitoring the heart rate and respiration rate during the anesthesia. Once initially sedated with a dose of intramuscular drugs, the tigers were put on oxygen and gas anesthesia for both their safety and the safety of those involved.

The boys were neutered to prevent breeding and fighting amongst themselves and the females once they sexually mature in several years. The procedure itself was quick and simple. Dr. Baker walked me through the steps as he performed them, both to ease my apprehension and for my own education. His professionalism and understanding are always greatly appreciated.

We performed a thorough wellness check, including checking their teeth and claws. We also drew blood for testing their overall health. Because of the increasing regulation at the federal, state and local levels, I decided to preemptively microchip the boys for identification. I had hoped to also chip the young females as well without sedation, but it is not as simple a procedure as drawing blood from an active and alert tiger. The boys are at the beginning stages of  their husbandry training so that we will be able do these wellness checks daily without the dangers or complications of sedation with a veterinarian. The younger females are well adapted to these procedures, making it much easier to provide them a healthy, comfortable life.

Also, while the boys were sedated, we made paw print impressions to remember the day and as a measure for when they are full grown. The paw prints we make with seven year old Zeya are very calm and controlled. The boys do not have that level of training ( or the attention span ) yet, making it difficult to produce a nice product while keeping myself safe and the boys stress-free. I did note it is more difficult to evenly apply the paint with a completely limp foot than one with which the tiger maintains control.

Diego slowly waking up ! Some of the anesthesia drugs are reversible while others have to process through the animals' system. By late last night the boys were still pretty groggy.

This morning they were running around playing with each other as if nothing had happened. They will be kept separate from the females for a short time while they fully recover. Likewise, they will receive a few days off from training and performances as well. It is disappointing - they have been doing so well the past several days with target training, sitting and laying down in the performance arena.

In conclusion, today happens to be World Circus Day. I always joke that I don't like the circus, I just like animals. Today I am very grateful for the circus which has enabled me the life I could never have imagined with my tigers, which I cannot imagine a life without.

Thanks for having us down for veterinary care.  As usual, you are doing an excellent job of handing, treating, and training your tigers.  They all seem to enjoy their relaxation at your station.
Good luck this summer. You have an excellent assistant in Elisa. Both of you work well together and have good command of your work.
Larry Baker, DVM, FAVD, Diplomate, AVDC
Northgate Pet Clinic & Veterinary Dentistry"

"Thank you to all those who came out yesterday. To those at Northgate Pet Clinic, thank you for all your help, effort and professionalism in making sure my boys were safe and comfortable during this stressful time for me. To those from ISU, I hope you enjoyed the experience and learned from this opportunity Dr. Baker provided you. I try to be very open regarding the care, husbandry and training of my animals. They mean the world to me - they are my world. Thank you all for taking the time to listen and observe. If you have an opportunity, come see my animals perform with the Kelly Miller Circus. The tour schedule is posted on the show's website. Remember to judge everyone on their own merits, not based on the lies and propaganda distributed on the internet by animal rights extremists."

Ryan Holder
Tiger Trainer
Kelly Miller Circus

Here is a great news article by Emily Steele of Decatur's Herald-Review.

Friday, March 6, 2015

Paw prints

Yesterday we custom made a few tiger paw print impressions. Each is a one-of-a-kind, unique gift, perfect for holidays or birthdays. Get yours now before it's too late ! All proceeds directly benefit the tigers.

Thursday, March 5, 2015

Little Moments

Little moments this week no one will ever be able to take away from me:

- Looking over my shoulder to kiss the 3 year old tiger and having my nose filled with slobber

- my eight month old boys responding to finger cues like a dog to position them on the scale

- my two year old learning to work base on the garden wall

- finger painting with my seven year old to make prints for the Mabel Stark documentary folks 

 - the eight month old boy holding my hand and not letting go ( ok, that one hurt; not so memorable )

Ringling Announcement

Today, Ringling Bros. and Barnum & Bailey Circus announced they are "phasing out" elephant acts in the next several years. They should have said they surrendered to the extremists and terrorists. After years of harassment, slander and libel, a history is being killed because certain extremists want to eliminate animals from our lives. I will never give up; I will never cave in. I will continue to care for my tigers and exhibit them in this great American tradition.

Monday, March 2, 2015

Cirkus Tigrov - Zoo

Big news announcement ! We spent the day filming for the upcoming CBS summer series "Zoo," based on the best selling James Patterson novel. "Cirkus Tigrov" ( Holder's Tigers ) will be sure to build the suspense for episode two, scheduled to air in early July.

Monday, February 2, 2015

Penitas Texas

Tiger introductions have begun wonderfully. Lots of smelling, chuffing, growling and bouncing around. It's fascinating to watch the different interactions between different individuals.

Wednesday, January 28, 2015


Many thanks to Lincoln Park Zoo curator emeritus Mark Rosenthal for sharing this neat rendition of my three year old and myself. She is a very special animal and I am glad he caught this special moment, immediately following her success in learning the beginning steps of a new behavior.

Saturday, January 24, 2015

New additions

As we head into our final week of winter quarters, I would like to introduce the two newest members of Holder's Tigers, Diego and Zeus ! These two boys are now six months old and growing fast. Lots of photos and videos will be shared during the upcoming season of their integration with the group and their training.

Thursday, January 22, 2015

Hugo Ok

The girls had a fun day today ! After their normal diet, we cut up some fresh veal graciously donated for the tigers, along with with three more huge tractor tires we will add to the compounds next winter.

Tuesday, January 6, 2015

Hugo Ok

The girls enjoyed chewing up some branches today. My three year old decided to take hers to-go.

Saturday, January 3, 2015

Hugo Ok

The girls love their fresh bedding in the barn !