Tiger Paw Print Impressions
Unique, one-of-a-kind impressions of a tiger foot print are now available for purchase in an assortment of colors. Using a "hands-on" training approach, each individual print represents a connection between the animal kingdom and mankind and the impression these majestic creatures leave on those who observe and care for them. With wild tiger numbers at an all-time low and further threats encroaching upon their existence everyday, it is important for the public to see these animals in person and appreciate their true beauty.
Some facilities ask for donations upwards of $1,000 or more to put your name on a plaque with a tiger print made from a mold to be displayed at their new exhibit. However, for a fraction of that amount, you can display your own fresh impression on a frame-stretched canvas, perfect for gifts or keepsakes.
Prints are made with the cooperation of five year old "Zeya," a female Bengal-Siberian tiger. Using Crayola kid's washable non-toxic finger paints, the procedure is perfectly safe and enjoyable for the animal. A productive paw printing session is rewarded with affection, play time and treat meat. These sessions are often performed live for groups visiting the Kelly Miller Circus.
Eight bold and beautiful colors are available to choose from including blue, violet, green, turquoise, red, yellow, orange and magenta. No two paw prints are alike. Some include hairs that stick in the paint after an impression is made; others sport a canvas hole or two from a claw that slips. These variations grant an originality and authenticity to each print.
All proceeds directly benefit Holder's Tigers, helping to provide food, medical care, equipment and habitat improvement for these animals. To find out more information about Holder's Tigers or for more information on how to order your own Tiger Paw Print Impression, visit ShowMeTigers.com or email TigerGuy@ShowMeElephants.com.
The "dry run;" practicing the process prior to adding paint |
Paint between the toes - keep those claws in ! |
Goofing off during work time. Tiger tongues are rough ! |
A successful print impression on canvas |
A crowd gathered to watch a paw print painting session |
A good scratching for a job well done |
Meet the Trainer - Question & Answer session with autograph signing |
What others are saying:
>> http://www.showmetigers.com/2013/08/what-others-are-saying.html