Sylvania, Ohio, had a great turn out this morning for the tent raising and other animal-related activities. After the tiger education presentation and paw print session , a little boy went up to my sister and told her, "This is all the money I have but I want to give it to the tigers." He donated a dollar to my girls. My sister and girlfriend said it was the cutest thing. Unfortunately, I missed the moment as I was answering other questions at the time.
As always, I give a public service advisory regarding animal rights extremists groups. Their feel-good names tug at the heart strings ( People for the Ethical Treatment of Animals, Humane Society of the United States, American Society for the Prevention of the Cruelty to Animals ), but they do little to directly benefit the lives of animals. Instead, the millions raised in donations annually line the pockets of corporate executives, advertise lies and slander and lobby against hard working individuals like myself. We had a few upset "undercover" activists when they heard my statements. The rolling eyes spoke volumes.
Within an hour, we received a surprise visit from the local humane society. The inspector was very pleased with my animals' care and well-being. She was less pleased with the bombardment of her office's phone lines and email system by animal rights extremists protesting the circus' arrival. As she told us, the actions of these individuals inhibited the real rescue work the local group does to benefit animals.
Ryan Holder
Tiger Trainer
Kelly Miller Circus